LEBENSGEFAHR, 2017, photograph, 24×30 cm, part of a series of 23 photographs
Anna Siekierska (b. 1987) is a sculptor, cyclist, and academic worker. She is an environmental activist and organises workshops focusing on raising awareness of the life of other beings. Author of numerous installations in public spaces and socially engaged projects, including Who’s There?, a platform for observing life in tree canopies, CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, 2018; Ficus, a neighbourhood installation in the backyard of a townhouse, Warsaw, 2017; Sanatorium, a long-term action at the intersection of art and activism, aiming to preserve the Edmunda Szyca stadium in Poznań as a space for wild nature. She collaborates with the Inicjatywa Dzikie Karpaty (Wild Carpathians Initiative) and the Niech Żyją! (Let them Live!), two activist groups based in Poland. In 2020 she showed her works at the Zachęta Project Room (Weeds and People).