Friday, 28th February, 11:00 AM
Art Encounters Foundation
The exhibition BRUIAJ, the third episode in the series of collaborations between the artists Michele Bressan, Lea Rasovsky, and Larisa Sitar, starts from a series of works specially made for this event and develops a collaboration built in time, naturally, around a common artistic sensibility and a very artistically productive generational solidarity. The works that the artists propose develop themes such as: the aesthetics of the domestic space, the daily grotesque, the funeral ritual, the military arsenal, ruin and disappearance.
Michele Bressan (b. 1980) is publicly known for his work in photography, but in the recent years, the themes he explores have also taken the shape of objects or installations. Michele’s interest in visual perception is based on his view of image as a matrix of the social and historical consciousness, quest which is doubled by his desire to spontaneously or accidentally extract poetic spaces from day-to-day reality. Selected exhibitions: Endless / Nameless, Zorzini F Gallery, Bucharest (2019, solo); La Brique, The Brick, Cărămida, La Kunsthalle Mulhouse (2018); Double Heads Matches, Új Budapest Galéria (2018); Life – A User’s Manual, Art Encounters Biennial, Timișoara (2017); CAMERA PLUS. Contemporary Photography and Dynamic Image Biennale, Iași (2016); PASAJ, Contemporary Art Museum Bucharest – Anexa (2014); Waiting for the Drama, H’art Gallery, Bucharest (2012, solo).
Lea Rasovszky‘s works (b. 1986) question the values and the thought clichés of current society, with a permanent critical eye. Everything is filtered through an ironic and rough drawing style, often combined with immersive installations which involve the viewer in order to complete the context. Exhibitions (selection): Life – A User’s Manual, Art Encounters Biennale, Timișoara (2017); Out of the Blue, Mobius Gallery, Bucharest (2017); FLIRT, Im Hinterzimmer, Karlsruhe (2016); Building Modern Bodies. The Art of Bodybuilding, Zurich KunstHalle (2015); Din Dragoste. Fapte morale III [From Love. Moral acts III], Cyclops Garage, Bucharest (2015, solo); Inner Wimp, Lateral ArtSpace, The Paintbrush Factory, Cluj-Napoca (2014, solo); PASAJ, MNAC Annex, Bucharest, Romania (2014); De la stele la steroizi [From stars to steroids], Anca Poterașu Gallery, Bucharest (2014, solo); The Savages, Atelier 35, Bucharest (2012, solo). She participated in the 56th edition of the Venice Biennale (the New Gallery of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Venice, 2015).
The works of Larisa Sitar (b. 1984) investigate cultural heritage issues, cultural values, national identity, memory and nostalgia, by using different mediums such as photography, video, installation, drawing, object. Larisa Sitar was one of the artists in residence of the WIELS Center for Contemporary Art in Brussels in 2019. Exhibitions (selection): Artists in residence presentation, Contemporary Arts Centre WIELS, Bruxelles (2019); Romanian* Art Now, Suprainfinit Gallery, Bucharest (2018); Message in a bottle, Museu de Angra de Heroísmo, Portugal (2017); Inventing the Truth. On fiction and reality, the Romanian Pavilion at the 56th edition of La Biennale di Venezia (2015); WHAT ABOUT Y[OUR] MEMORY, Contemporary Art Museum Bucharest (2014); PASAJ, Contemporary Art Museum Bucharest – Anexa (2014); Care Crisis, Futura Gallery, Prague (2012); Essl Art Award CEE, Winners Exhibition, Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg/Vienna (2011).

The events are part of Art Encounters Foundation’s program, CAMP – CONTEMPORARY ART MEETING POINT, a platform for dialogue and public engagement in the knowledge exchange mediated by contemporary art. Cultural project co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund (AFCN). The project does not necessarily represent the position of AFCN. AFCN is not to be held responsible for the content of the project, nor for the ways in which the results of the project might be used. Those are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the grant.
Event made possible with the support of: Melbo Instal, Metal Hammer Bau, Prospero Delicii, Rotary Club Timișoara, Thesaurus Wines, WBW LOGISTIC