Camilia Filipov (b. 1990, Taraclia, Moldova) lives and works in Cluj-Napoca and in the mountains, in Romania.
She studied sculpture at the Cluj-Napoca University of Art and Design (BA and Masters Degree, 2010-2015) and at the Ecole Supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc Liège, Belgium (Erasmus Scholarship, 2012-2013).
Solo exhibitions include: Mies in Mind (with Emilian Mocanu), Plan B, Berlin, Germany, 2021; Tensiuni (curator Georgiana Buț), K’arte, Târgu-Mureș, Romania, 2019; Solo presentation, SABOT, Art-O-Rama, Marseille, France, 2019; Some Things We Know Collapsed into an Unfinished Painting (with Alexandra Mocan), Atelier Patru, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2019; Wit Split by a Windshield (with Mihaela Hudrea), White Cuib, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2019; Surface Actually, SABOT, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2018.
Group shows: May amnesia scratch our membrane (curator Horațiu Lipot), IOMO gallery, Bucharest, Romania, 2021; Future Perfect #1, curators Ciprian Mureșan & Șerban Savu, MAGMA Contemporary Medium, Sf. Gheorghe, Romania, 2020; Exchanging extremes, curated by Matca, Automat Artspace, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2020; Play, curated by Lateral ArtSpace, MŰTŐ, Budapest, Hungary, 2019 ; Mother Tongue, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania, 2019; As I was stepping off my horse I reflected myself in a selfish mirror, Supermarket 2019 (with Matca artspace), Stockholm, Sweden, 2019; From The Belly Of A Circle Comes Out A Square, Matca artspace, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2019; PPM#4 – copy art show, Aici Acolo Pop Up Gallery, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2019, Once more into the grey, UNA Galleria, Piacenza, Italy, 2018; Imaginea pictură. Despre Ieșirea în ,,realitate”, Galeria Quadro, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2018; SHOW-Off, Matca artspace, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; Intertwined dimensions, Matca artspace, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2018; Things are temporary, but the evidence of their existence, 1st Worldwide Apartment and Studio Biennale, Matca artspace, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2016; DIY, Gara Mică, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2016.