Art Encounters Foundation invites you between the 24th and the 26th of October to a marathon of events dedicated to preparing the Vth edition of the Contemporary Art Biennial, which will take place between May 19th and July 16th 2023.
Hosted at our headquarters (46C Take Ionescu Boulevard, 1st Floor), the series of events debuts Monday, the 24th of October, at 11:00, with a press conference joined by Ovidiu Șandor, president of the foundation, Diana Marincu, and the curator of the Art Encounters Biennial 2023, Adrian Notz. The meeting aims to discuss one of the most relevant contemporary art projects in Romania and its anchoring – thematic, artistic and conceptual – in the cultural landscape of an exceptional 2023.
The schedule of our marathon proposes to the public in Timișoara multiple working sessions, during which the representatives of several artist run spaces from Timișoara will be invited, as well as artists which will be present at the AE 2023 Biennial, and the Biennial’s curatorial board.
Moderated by Adrian Notz, these talks with artists in the current art scene aim to formulate some conclusions emerging from the curatorial research undertaken in the summer of this year. The invited artists will also present works which have been newly commissioned by the AE 2023 Biennial as part of the event marathon. By taking part in these events, you will have the opportunity to establish contact with the research and with the artistic practices emerging from the main theme of next year’s Biennial: art and science!
The curatorial board of the Art Encounters 2023 Biennial had its debut with a collaboration between the main curator, Adrian Notz, and 6 young curators, writers and arts critics from Romania and Switzerland, former participants in the Autumn Curatorial School “New Now”, from 2020. Scheduled for Wednesday after-noon, at 17:00, the curators’ working session aims to present the conceptual evolution of the AE 2023 Biennial, as well as other specific ideas and objectives emerging from an event of such caliber.
The events we are proposing will take place in English. Below, you may consult the detailed schedule of the “Art Encounters Marathon”:
Monday, October 24th:
11:00 – 12:00 | Press conference (broadcast live on Facebook)
18:00 – 18:50 | Artist run spaces: representatives of the Simultan Festival and of the Lapsus independent project (talk moderated by Diana Marincu & Georgia Țidorescu)
18:50 – 19:10 | Coffee break
19:10 – 20:00 | Artist talk with Kata Geibl (Hungary), moderator Adrian Notz
Tuesday, October 25th:
18:00 – 18:50 | Artist run spaces: representatives of Nava C2 and Baraka (talk moderated by Diana Marincu & Georgia Țidorescu)
18:50 – 19:10 | Coffee break
19:10 – 20:00 | Artist talk with Katarina Petrović (Serbia), moderator Adrian Notz
Wednesday, October 26th:
17:00 – 17:50 | Curatorial Board (feedback session moderated by Adrian Notz and prefaced by Diana Marincu)
18:00 – 18:50 | Artist run spaces: representatives of Balamuc and Avanpost (talk moderated by Diana Marincu și Georgia Țidorescu)
18:50 – 19:10 | Coffee break
19:10 – 20:00 | Artist talk with Dimitar Solakov (Bulgaria), moderator Adrian Notz
We await you by our side and we invite you to become part of the great Art Encounters Biennial family!
*The artist run spaces events are part of the “Art Encounters Biennial. Research, context, community” project. This project is part of the ”Timișoara 2023 – European Capital of Culture” Cultural Program and is financed by the City of Timișoara through the Centre for Projects.
**The Curatorial Board and Artist Talks events are part of the Art Encounter 2023 – FORmART, financed by the City of Timișoara through the Centre for Projects.