Tur expoziţie „Another Breach in the Wall” – traseu

During the opening weekend of the biennial, the curators of the exhibition will be guides on a sector of the exhibition route installed in the public space of Timișoara. The curators of the “Another Breach in the Wall” exhibition will be joined by our partners from Art Encounters, who will talk about the concept/intention/effect within Anca Munteanu Rimnic’s installation. Diana Marincu – artistic director of the Art Encounters Foundation will speak.

During the biennial, the Beta team will facilitate guided tours, one by one, in all the exhibition sectors, providing details about the exhibition concept, the selection of projects, but also about the implementation process.

Participation is free and will take place exclusively after filling out the registration form, within the limit of 25 available places: https://forms.gle/vFuxVK5i1TurenSm6

The meeting place is the amphitheater in the Children’s Park.

The project is supported by the Romanian Order of Architects through the Architecture Stamp, and by the Timișoara City Hall, through the Centre for Projects.