Artist Lera Kelemen was the winner of the open call for a six-week residency at Niki Residency Hanover, the first edition of an international artistic residency for Timișoara-based artists, organised by Art Encounters Foundation in collaboration with Niki Residency.
In her work, Memonnade, Lera Kelemen explored the design of semi-circular structures that are used as a metaphor for memory palaces. Quoting Giulio Camillo’s Memory Amphitheatre (Teatro della Memoria), the semicircular space represents the organisation of human knowledge in physical space, filled with symbols. The round shape generates a fluid movement and plays a role in the sonic experience as well, defining the optimum position for the listener to perceive the stereo image. The installation was used as a physical support to create a connection between textual and sonic signs.
‘Memonnade is a visualisation of memory that analyses the way in which we encode information through signs and translates this mnemonic device into a physical space.’
Many thanks to: Kulturbüro Hannover and Hafven Makerspace
Project co-financed by The Administration of the National Cultural Fund (AFCN)
Photo credits: Ole Blank
Poster by Max Weinland