Art Encounters Foundation invites you to a visual arts mentorship session led by Ami Barak, a curator and art critic based in Paris.
Among the most interesting projects curated by Ami Barak is the ExEast. Histoires passées et récentes des avant-gardes roumaines exhibition, which our foundation had the pleasure of organizing in 2019, in the French capital: https://amibarak.com/en/project/ex-east
The mentorship led by Ami Barak in Timișoara, Friday October 7th 2022, in the loft of the Faculty of Arts and Design of the West University, aims to tackle the following themes:
Career planning
Where are you headed, from an artistic and professional standpoint? How to define your values, identify key choices and develop a plan for attaining your professional objectives. How to overcome obstacles concerning efficiency, flexibility and structure in order to attain your artistic objectives.
Portfolio editing
The portfolio is the nucleus of artistic promotion and visiting. Perfecting your artistic statement, adapting your artistic CV, curating, and formatting creations.
Defining the artistic product and the target audience; decisions concerning the way in which works get sold; identifying a budget and a strategy for promoting artistic activity.
Elaborating convincing messages and a strategy in order to publicize works, events and news.
Valuing works
An analytical approach to establishing the value of works, including production aspects and variables meant to personalize an appropriate formula for the artistic activity.
Legal considerations
General information about intellectual property, basic elements of contracts and structuring artistic activity.
How to apply a creative thought process to diversifying financing flows by exploring various value generation, resource and income models.
Grant writing
Essential elements of grant writing, as well as resources for seeking out and structuring grants.
Other key elements
Organizing various aspects of artistic practice and taking informed decisions. Attracting gallery owners and collectors, as well as selling works. Instruments and techniques concerning communication towards potential buyers of works.
The call is specifically targeted at young artists, curators and professionals within the sphere of contemporary art, interested in the strategies and dynamics of promotion in visual arts.
Those who wish to participate are kindly requested to send a short confirmation message to the Art Encounters Foundation email: contact@artencounters.ro
Mentorship schedule for Friday, October 7th, 2022:
10:00 – 11:30 (first talks session)
11:30 – 12:00 (coffee break)
12:00 – 13:30 (second talks session)