Art Encounters Foundation invites you on Friday, November 11th, starting at 12:30, to a brunch followed by a guided tour of the “Symmetrical, never identical” exhibition, during which you will have the chance to admire works by artists Ioana Bătrânu, Adela Giurgiu and Agnes Varda (with video inserts), based on a curatorial concept by Diana Marincu.
Our guests for this event are Adela Giurgiu, one of the artists exhibited, Mihai Pop, a curator and director of the Plan B Gallery, and Diana Marincu, the artistic director of the foundation, and curator of the exhibition.
Entry is free of charge. We thank you and we await your companionship!
We remind you that the exhibition will be open between November 10th 2022 and March 4th 2023. It can be seen at our headquarters between Tuesday and Saturday, 12:00-18:00.
Address: Take Ionescu Boulevard 46C, Timișoara
Adela Giurgiu (b. 1990) was born in Cluj-Napoca. Within her practice of painting, color always materializes the depths of the imagination and sparks an itinerary which overwhelms perspective with visions emerging from the surface of the canvas. The story finds its roots in fertile dialogue between that which already is, and that which is still uncreated.
Mihai Pop (b. 1974) is a graduate of the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca, a visual artist, and the coordinator of Plan B Gallery, which is a space for production and exhibition of contemporary art opened in Cluj-Napoca in 2005. In September 2008, Plan B opened a second exhibition space in Berlin. Mihai Pop is one of the founders of the Paintbrush Factory, a cultural space which opened in Cluj in 2009. He lives and works in Cluj-Napoca and Berlin.
Cover photo: Adela Giurgiu, The Pigeon at the Jewish Canteen, oil and canvas, 17 x 28,5 cm.
The event is part of the Art Encounters 2022 project – FORmART, financed by the City of Timișoara through the Centre for Projects.