UnWorlding, a rare opportunity to explore recent works by the artistic duo Anca Benera and Arnold Estefán

The Art Encounters Foundation is pleased to present the exhibition of the artistic duo Anca Benera and Arnold Estefán: ,,UnWorlding”, a major exhibition by the Romanian artists based in Vienna, brought for the first time to Timisoara, which will take place on October 24, 2024, at 18:00.

Art Encounters Biennale 2025, event curated by Ana Janevski and Tevž Logar

We are delighted to announce that the Art Encounters Biennale, 6th edition, will take place in May 2025, curated by two exceptional curators Ana Janevski and Tevž Logar.

Timisoara is set to once again become a hub of international art, bringing to the spotlight contemporary art exhibitions and events that connect ideas, cultures and perspectives from around the world, under the guidance of two exceptional curators, Ana Janevski and Tevž Logar, recognized for their vast experience.

Julije Knifer – Meanders without bounds

The Art Encounters Foundation is bringing for the first time on the national cultural scene of art the works of the great Croatian painter Julije Knifer (1924 – 2004, b. Croatia).For 5 weeks, the Julije Knifer – Meanders without bounds exhibition can be visited at the Art Encounters Foundation exhibition space in Timișoara, curated by Ami Barak.

Fundația Art Encounters lansează un open call pentru 10 artiști români interesați să producă noi lucrări în relație cu orașul Timișoara!

 Programul Coliziuni va avea loc în perioada septembrie – octombrie 2024, cu scopul de a susține și de a încuraja creația și producția artistică, fiind finanțat prin Programul Prioritar de Ministerul Culturii. Coliziuni are ca scop susținerea producției de artă contemporană românească și marchează totodată lansarea celei de-a șasea ediții a Bienalei Art Encounters, eveniment care a consolidat poziția Timișoarei pe scena națională și internațională a artei contemporane.


“Worlding: What does it mean to be ‘international’ today?” The sixth edition of the Autumn School of Curating led by curator Kate Fowle.

Art Encounters Foundation (Timișoara) and Cluj Cultural Centre (Cluj-Napoca) are launching an open call for the Autumn School of Curating, taking place in Cluj and Timișoara, Romania between October 20–27, 2024.

The Autumn School of Curating is a rigorous eight-day seminar led by renowned curator Kate Fowle, offering emerging curators an international platform for dialogue, knowledge exchange, and learning. 

Performative Reading: lazy heart.
Author: Andrew Davidson-Novosivschei

Together with the bookstore La două bufnițe, we invite you on July 16th, 2024, at 18:00, to the Art Encounters Foundation (Timișoara, Take Ionescu bd., 46C, Casa ISHO). Here, the exhibition space will be transformed into a veritable stage where literature and visual art will merge in a unique performative reading, in relation to the exhibition Marius Bercea: This Side of Paradise.

Marius Bercea: This Side of Paradise

We are pleased to invite you to the opening of our exhibition “Marius Bercea: This Side of Paradise”, Friday, May 31st, from 19:00, at the Foundation’s permanent headquarters at Bd. Take Ionescu 46C (Casa ISHO, floor 1), Timisoara.
The Art Encounters Foundation presents the most comprehensive solo exhibition in Romania by artist Marius Bercea (b. 1979, Cluj-Napoca), bringing together in Timișoara over 40 paintings and drawings created in the past 15 years in Cluj-Napoca and California. This exhibition is part of our core mission to bring forward the work of artists who have been more visible in art institutions abroad than in their native country Romania, emphasising at the same time their crucial role in the formation of a new generation of artists.

BRÂNCUȘI: Romanian Sources and Universal Perspectives

Hosted at the Timișoara National Museum of Art between September 30, 2023, and January 28, 2024, the exhibition “Brâncuși: Romanian sources and universal perspectives” brings to the public’s attention an emblematic personality, an indisputable landmark of modern sculpture, as well as a universal symbol. It is Romania’s most extensive Brâncuși exhibition in the last 50 years.

Curated by Doina Lemny, the exhibition in Timișoara offers visitors various stages of Brâncuși’s artistic journey. In dialogue with the 22 sculptures on display, there is also a unique selection of photographs alongside fragments filmed by Brâncuși himself. In total, over 100 works by Constantin Brâncuși will be admired, backed by a comprehensive Catalog edited by the curator. The exhibition enjoys exceptional loans from the Centre Pompidou, the Tate, the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Art Museum of Romania, the Craiova Art Museum, and 3 private collections.

Learning Together: Practicing Cultural Mediation Today

Cultural mediation is not a given but a theoretical construct describing practices and systems, patterns of action, and training. It is a specific approach concerning certain social and cultural issues, which we also want to focus on through particular projects and visions that our special guests will discuss. We thus propose an event that combines theory with specific mediation practices and offers several possible answers to current developments.

Introductory course of contemporary art held by Maria Orosan-Telea

The first Introductory course of contemporary in the the exhibition of one of the most important contemporary artists of her generation, Ioana Nemeș, entitled “Rituals, Keepers and Storms,” curated by Diana Marincu and Kilobase Bucharest, will discuss how the archiving of the everyday and notions such as individual time and historical time have emerged as specific concerns of conceptual art since the 1960s.

Ioana Nemeș: Rituals, Keepers and Storms

It gives us great pleasure to invite you to the exhibition of one of the most important contemporary artists of her generation, Ioana Nemeș, entitled “Rituals, Keepers and Storms.” Curated by Diana Marincu and Kilobase Bucharest, the exhibition has as strategic partners the Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art in Ghent (S.M.A.K.), the National Museum of Contemporary Art of Romania (MNAC), and ISHO.

PRAKSIS and the Art Encounters Foundation invite you to engage in four workshops over two days led by Nicholas John Jones, artistic director of PRAKSIS, and Kristian Schrøder, programme manager at PRAKSIS.

Daria Koltsova:The road to poetry in wartime

It gives us great pleasure to invite you to the exhibition “The road to poetry in wartime” presenting works by the artist Daria Koltsova, curated by the invited curator Ami Barak, on October 25, starting at 18:00, at the ISHO D Space adjacent to the Art Encounters Foundation.

September 2023. – Curatorial talk – The Poetics of Politics

The Art Encounters Foundation invites you to the photography exhibition “The Poetics of Politics” by artists Michele Bressan, Dani Ghercă, Nicu Ilfoveanu, and the invited artist, Alexandra Croitoru, who will present a series of works in collaboration with Ana Conțu, Ioana Dumitrescu, Sonia Lupșa, Crăița Niga, Cătălina Pintilie, Roberta Roată; which will take place on Thursday, September 21, from 18:00, at the permanent headquarters of the Foundation, Blvd. Take Ionescu 46C (Casa ISHO, 1st floor), Timișoara.

Open Call: The Autumn School of Curating

The Autumn School of Curating is an engaging seven-day seminar led by Xiaoyu Weng, exploring the cutting-edge realm of today´s curatorial practices.

The seminar aims to give young curators access to an international platform for dialogue, knowledge exchange and learning. Titled “𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬”, the seminar will be a collective week of exploration, inquiry and innovation as we delve into the intricate interplay between determinist thinking, technology, artificial intelligence, and their profound impact on the world.

Adrian Ghenie: The Impossible Body

The exhibition “Adrian Ghenie: The Impossible Body” is an excellent opportunity to get in touch with the work and ideas of one of the most important contemporary Romanian artists, known primarily for his paintings inspired by historical subjects with relevance to the tumultuous history of the 20th century.

Art Encounters Biennial 2023 – My Rhino is not a Myth

The 5th edition of the Art Encounters Biennial My Rhino is not a Myth focuses on the intersection between art, science and fictions, by exploring their potential to reclaim reality as a mesh of complex processes. In between scientific explorations and imaginative speculation, it touches upon stories of the unknown and the drive to change, adapt or subvert.

The biennial proposes a crossover of art, science and fictions as new ways to look at things, underlining the vitality of their entanglement in the fabric of life and reality. They create “art-science-fictions” as a fluid exchange between scientific and artistic approaches that respond to changes in our lived realities, which are marked by environmental and social transformations.


Victor Brauner: Inventions and Magic

On the occasion of the European Capital of Culture – Timișoara 2023, the National Museum of Art in Timișoara hosts the most important and comprehensive exhibition ever produced in Eastern Europe dedicated to Romanian-born surrealist artist Victor Brauner — the very first retrospective in his country of origin.

One hundred and twenty years after the birth of Victor Brauner in the Kingdom of Romania and curated by Camille Morando, this retrospective exhibition aims to work as a tribute to this central figure of surrealism, still lesser known in his native country. The curator selected over 100 paintings, drawings, sculptures, illustrations, and documents covering Brauner’s entire artistic career, from Bucharest to Paris, from the 1920s to the early 1960s. All these invaluable works come together for the first time with an exhibition design signed by architect Attila Kim.

Symmetrical, never identical

Artists: Ioana Bătrânu, Adela Giurgiu, Agnès Varda (insert video)

Curator: Diana Marincu

Exhibition dates: 10 november 2022 – 4 march 2023

Organiser: Art Encounters Foundation
Financer: Centrul de Proiecte al Municipiului Timișoara
Sponsors: ISHO, Thesaurus, Illy
Media partners: TVR Timișoara, Radio România Cultural, RFI România, Observator Cultural, Zeppelin, Modernism, Revista Arta, The Institute, Propagarta
Graphic design: Karina Isar