The Residency Program started by Art Encounters Foundation in 2015, on the occasion of the first edition of the Biennial, aims to become a permanent platform for experimentation, production, and dialogue for the artists. The goal of the Residency Program is to stimulate creativity, to encourage the exploration of artistic practices in collaboration with the local artistic environment, to facilitate cultural exchange and to start an animated and significant dialogue between communities and cultural actors from different fields.
The artists who were part of the Residency Program in 2015 were Bogdan Armanu & Silvia Amancei, Biroul de Cercetări Melodramatice (Irina Gheorghe and Alina Popa), Hortensia Mi Kafchin, and Alex Mirutziu. The artists that participated in 2017 in the Art Encounters Residency Program, in connection with the Biennial and following an open call, were Raluca Croitoru and Liliana Basarab. In 2018 the Residency Program continued with Anticamera – a collaborative artistic duo and the second residency for 2018 was awarded to Oana Paula Vainer, both being the result of the selection following an open call addressed to the Romanian artists. Starting with the end of 2018, the Residency Program targeted also curators interested in discovering the artistic context from Timișoara. Zofia Cielatkowska from Poland was the first curator invited to Timișoara, and the result of the residency was a group exhibition. In 2019, the residents Mona Vătămanu & Florin Tudor were chosen by invitation, and the outcome coincided with the 2019 Art Encounters Biennial.

Sven-Julien Kanclerski

CAMPart – residency and mentoring for Romanian artists

Lera Kelemen

Mona Vătămanu & Florin Tudor

Zofia Cielątkowska

Oana Paula Vainer


Liliana Basarab

Raluca Croitoru

Alex Mirutziu

The Bureau of Melodramatic Research (Irina Gheroghe & Alina Popa)

Hortensia Mi-Kafchin

Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu